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Re: GalCiv3 - AddOn Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade

Verfasst: 25. Mai 2017, 12:19
von Zak0r
Update für Galciv3 Crusade, Codename "Ludicrous"

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Full Change log:

We are pleased to unveil the first major update to Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade (Crusade being based on version 2.1 of the base game, we now unveil version 2.2).

== Map Size changes ==

Tiny: from 18 to 20 (20x20) hex sectors
Small: 32 to 36 hex sectors
Medium: 40 to 50 hex sectors
Large: 75 to 90 hex sectors
Huge: 95 to 120 hex sectors
Immense: 240 to 250 hex sectors
Excessive: 290 to 300 hex sectors
Insane renamed to Ludicrous
Ludicrous: 500! (500 x 500 tiles)

== AI ==

The AI will have harder time stealing techs from you if you have counter agents (e.g. unassigned agents).
The AI no longer tries to bribe you to pick on minor factions.
AI now fully uses the new Crusade multicore engine in pathfinding, diplomacy, ship movement, tactical analysis, economic planning, planetary invasions, citizen assignments, etc. are all broken up into tiny jobs and sent out to your CPU cores drastically reducing turn times.
AI is much, MUCH smarter in what ships to build when (thanks to the GalCiv Discord community for rapid strategy testing responses) and how.
Substantial improvement in the general feel of AI intelligence when dealing with other civilizations diplomatically.
Improvements to AI trade intelligence based on the new multi-turn need analysis system.
AI more savvy on how to use spies as it now takes the consequences of retaliation into account before targeting someone.
Lots of new alien dialog based on more background data (what the galactic situation is).

== Gameplay ==

Ported more of the GalCiv III base game tech tree elements to the new Trait based system. Crusade replaces the monolithic tech tree system with one that is procedural generated based on what traits you have for your civilization.
First internal pass on getting ready to let players submit their own tech tree parts via Steamworks (i.e. create a bunch of techs, tie them to player traits, and have them just work).
Anomalies and Events from other DLC have had their rarity adjusted to be in line with Crusade's new rarities (basically, other DLC stuff was relatively rare).

== Multiplayer ==

General multiplayer performance improvements.
Reduced multiplayer Checksum fragility to only deal with differences that are material.
First pass at networking layer upgrade to pave the way for fully customized civs playing each other (i.e. you play as your favorite sci fi civ vs. someone else's sci fi civ). The main challenge here is bandwidth on sharing what amounts to some pretty big assets.

== User Experience ==

Adjusted the Espionage screen to clarify that unassigned agents lower the chance the AI can steal techs from you.
Resource upgrades improvements are no longer flagged as one per planet.
You can now select a fleet even if there's a non-selectable ship on the same tile.
Decommissioned ships refund their administration points and legions.
Improved up the commander information on the citizen summary screen
Removed access debug error messages. This matters because modders could find themselves with a lot of debug output which on non SSD drives could slow framerate.
Reduced the number of event log entries displayed

== Balance ==

Xenophobes get twice the research and social construction but only half the military construction.
Beam weapon space usage reduced from 5% to 3%
Kinetic weapons cost reduced substantially.
Entrepreneurs now provide a trade route to their civ as well
General comes with Xeno Combat techniques
Colonizer Ability changed such that every time they colonize a planet, they get their administrative point back. This will need a tooltip tweak for the admin resource tooltip.
Xeno Combat Techniques now unlocks the General. Combined with Station Garrison, player can protect planets without having to research invasion.
Port of Call tourism improvement moved to only require Universal translator
Capital city now allows up to 16 population
Computer Core cost reduced from 35 to 16 so that players that don't want to rush it don't wait too long
Port of Call cost decreased from 150 to 32
Port of Call benefit changed from a 10% tourism income boost to a flat 3 with each level adding another 1
Starport now military production increased from 1 to 2
Space Elevator general production decreased from 2 to 1
City population cap increased from 8 to 16
Silicon city population cap increased from 8 to 9
Military Academy improvement now requires planetary invasion to eliminate confusion in which players thought they had to train legions to invade.
Station Garrison cost reduced from 75 to 50
AI is more chatty
Easy AI no longer rushes defensive units
Easy AI is no longer capable of rushing colony ships
AI no longer tries to reinforce planets with individual defender units if they are far away (this is the cause of lone ships streaming to their death in far off places)
Influence specialization now provides a flat 1 influence to every colony instead of a 10% boost.
Majesty Tech now quires the diplomatic ability
Master Trade now requires the entrepreneur ability
Other high-level biz/trade techs now require entrepreneur race ability
Robots can't have cruise lines
Improved AI conquest strategies
Slight balance tweak to opposing culture affect.
Mild balance pass on the weightings of faction power.
AI is even more chatty
Hot Springs moved to require Planetology (for frog races)
Hot Springs benefit changed from 3 to 2.
Increased AI's guts by 25%. Basically, AIs tend to be a bit too careful in when to attack. This is partially because players think AIs are "dumb" if they make suicide attacks. But there is a time and place to use suicide attacks to wear down an opponent. Cracking a turtler requires sacrifice.
The AI will have a harder time stealing techs from you if you have counter agents (e.g. unassigned agents).
The AI no longer tries to bribe you to pick on minor factions.
New ship design method that lets us see how many ship designs are in the library.
AI will no longer trade ships away on the cheap
General increase in late game tech costs.
Defenses now use less space but cost more
Carrier modules cost more but use less room
Eyes of Universe now requires Interstellar Travel instead of Interstellar Survey
Farming no longer requires Xeno adaptation but comes sooner with Planetology
Cities now require planetology (or torian planetology)
Slight increase in cost for later improvements
Minor balance updates
Xenophobic tripled benefits.
Set default faction to Terran Alliance
Nerfed Renaissance event's research bonus

== Performance ==

Continued improvement to turn times thanks to Crusade multicore
Improvement to speed of clearing out an old game so you can get back to the main menu.
Optimization of fog of war edges
Optimization of battle viewer weaponry

== Bug Fixing ==

On the starbase list, the "upgrade" icon isn't always enabled.
Fix Virtual World improvement, now requires Promethean instead of Promethean Stones (which are no longer in the game)
Stuck turn fixes. This issue is caused by the very delicate balance between turn speed and the difficulty of resyncronizing the threads quickly.
Various crash bugs fixed.
Fixed the Scientist Coerced Promotion which was giving 10x points
Fixed a bug where if food was ever >0 but then later became 0 that it would never update again.
Fixed strange bug that was causing pirates to not get to take a turn because the game thought they were dead. They're not dead!
Fixed bug where asteroids from dead players would become owned by pirates and unkillable. Mining bases are now autodestroyed when a player dies.
Fixed edge case bug where the player somehow allies with an event race which in turn causes a strange diplomacy flag to show up.
Fixed minor bug where planned destination of a virtual fleet wasn't being copied from the source fleet. This would sometimes cause the AI not to attack targets of opportunity.
Typo fixes. English isn't our first language. Our first language is Drengin which doesn't have vowels.
Graph power buttons now toggle properly
Updated the Entrepreneur Citizen text to better reflect its ability.
Ship designer window: removed a duplicate resource bar

Re: GalCiv3 - AddOn Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade

Verfasst: 2. Juni 2017, 20:47
von F.Bolli
Ich hab mal eine Frage an die Experten hier. :-D
Wie ist das mit den planetaren Resourcen (Arnor Spice, Snugglers, usw.)? Diese Resourcen sollen ja neben den planetaren Boni auch noch globale (galaktische) Boni haben.
Ich konnte aber bisher nichts entdecken, wo diese aufgeführt wären (Tool Tip). Und bekomme ich mehr Boni wenn ich statt 1 Arnor Spice 2 habe?
Und wenn nicht, wieso werden die Resourcen pro Runde gesmmelt und warum sollte ich sie sonst handeln?
Fragen über Fragen :-?

Re: GalCiv3 - AddOn Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade

Verfasst: 2. Juni 2017, 21:54
von Zak0r
Die galaktischen Boni gab es früher, siehe hier:

Die strategischen Ressourcen wurden aber stark überarbeitet. Man hat nicht mehr einfach eine oder mehrere Quellen, sondern man baut sie pro Runde ab (die Ausbeute wird mit zunehmender Technologie größer) und hat dann ein Lager davon. Die strategischen Ressourcen auf Planeten geben nur noch einen Nachbarschaftsbonus und man kann die angesammelten Ressourcen dann für verschiedene Bauprojekte oder Bürger-Beförderungen einsetzen - oder mit der KI handeln.

Re: GalCiv3 - AddOn Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade

Verfasst: 3. Juni 2017, 10:42
von F.Bolli
Also macht es keinen Unterschied ob ich 1 oder mehr Einheiten von einer planetaren Resource habe, wenn ich nichts damit bauen oder sie handeln will.
Das war vorher anders, und wertet die Wichtigkeit der Resourcen meiner Meinung nach ab.
Schade :(

Re: GalCiv3 - AddOn Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade

Verfasst: 3. Juni 2017, 11:15
von Zak0r
Na ja, je mehr Ressourcenquellen du hast, desto schneller füllt sich das Lager und desto eher kannst du die Bauprojekte starten oder deine Bürger befördern. Das kostet ja mitunter richtig viel, z. B. braucht das Antimateriekraftwerk 5 Einheiten Antimaterie oder die technologische Hauptstadt 10 Einheiten Promethion.

Ob die Veränderung jetzt wirklich eine Abwertung ist, vermag ich nicht zu sagen. Es hat sich halt grundsätzlich geändert. Aber jetzt wo praktisch alle Waffensysteme eine Ressource brauchen (Laser - Elerium, Raketen - Antimaterie, Kinetikwaffen - Thulium), würde ich eher dazu tendieren, dass sie wichtiger geworden sind.

Re: GalCiv3 - AddOn Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade

Verfasst: 4. Juni 2017, 11:44
von F.Bolli
Bei den Ressourcen für die Raumschiffe gebe ich Dir Recht. Dort ist man wirklich bemüht soviele Einheiten wie möglich zusammen zu bekommen um möglichst viele Schiffe zu bauen, bzw. man richtet seine Waffentechnologie, an den Ressourcen von denen man sehr viel besitzt, aus. Das ist ein richtig dicker Pluspukt für das Spiel, der auch Spaß macht. :-BD
Vielleicht bin ich im Techbaum auch noch nicht weit genug fortgeschritten, als das ich wirklich Verwendung für einen Großteil der planetaren Ressourcen hätte. Im Moment sehe ich keinen Unterschied ob ich 2 oder 3 Einheiten Naniten, Snugglers, oder Ultra Spice habe. Wie gesagt, vorher gab es einen globalen (galaktischen) Vorteil für sein Reich. Und je mehr man von diesen Ressourcen besaß, je größer war der Vorteil. Dies scheint ja jetzt nicht mehr der Fall zu sein.
Ich werde mich jetzt mal zusammenreißen und ein Spiel bis zum Ende durchspielen ;-) , vielleicht sehe ich die Sache dann anders.