Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Seid ihr bereits der Herrscher von Orion? Oder möchtet ihr einer werden? Wie auch immer: euer Weg zu Master of Orion sollte euch zu diesem Ort führen.
Beiträge: 301
Registriert: 26. Februar 2016, 08:58
Wohnort: Berlin

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von Daylos »

KA welche Rasse Du da hattest..ich hatte zwar auch mehrmals Erdbeben allerdings nicht derartig verheerende und weder bei den Alkaris noch bei den Terranern oder Menschen hatten sie meine Heimatwelt betroffen und eher minimale Bevölkerungsmengen oder Gebäude zerschlagen..wobei Hauptquatier weg? da muss ja auch gleich die Sternenbasis futsch gewesen sein was teils unlogisch ist da sie im Raum schwebt...aber da haben wir ja auch noch 2 andere Gebäude die zwar auf dem Planeten gebaut sind aber an und für sich im Orbit stehen.
Zum anderen spielst Du gerade auf sehr schwer? vielleicht sollte man in die Wünsche einfliessen lassen das es keine "Kill-PoP's" gibt die einen per se vernichten zumal in der Anfangsphase..oder zumindest nicht die Hauptquartiere betroffen werden können...weil man die ja kaum wieder aufbauen kann...oder es wenn dann extrem teuer und langwierig wird schaut schon recht "unfair" aus.

Beiträge: 89
Registriert: 10. Mai 2015, 13:15
Wohnort: Sol III

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von marek »

Ich finde das Event spannend. Und auch herausfordernd. Und? Hast du weitergespielt Teppic? Bis du dieser Katastrophe noch her geworden?

Teppic: Vergiss bitte nicht die viel zu kleine Schrift der Tooltipps. Das nervt mich zur zeit am meisten.

"Leben und leben lassen"
Beiträge: 1734
Registriert: 2. Mai 2015, 10:07
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von Teppic »

Ja, die kleine Schrift ist echt ein Unding. Ich meine übrigens das der neue Schiffdesigner schon echt besser ist,
aber *mäkel* das nun viele Tooltips wieder rausgeflogen sind.

Nach dem Erdbeben habe ich nicht lange weitergespielt. Die Sache war nicht mehr reinzuholen und
jetzt halt dich fest. Nicht die Bevölkerung war das Problem sondern der kaputte Palast/Regierungssitz,
der mir die Kommandopunkte gebracht hatte. Meine Wirtschaft war auch down und in 3 Runden im Minus,
damit die Flotte weg. Neue Gebäude bauen, eine andauerndes Gerechne und den Regierungssitz
neu zu bauen über 30 Runden... dafür ist mir meine Zeit zu schade.
DA übersetze ich lieber :lol:
Spoiler für :
- possiblity to increase text size - text is far to often far to small
not only for regular texts but for tooltips - type size 6 is not convenient
- bugreport: check weapon mauler device damage output, reports of "healing" capabilities instead of damaging enemy ships

check random events
- an earthquake event in turn 60 killed 50% of homeworld population, palace building and 90% of command points which resulted in a deficit treasury - if such a hefty event is intended implement a possibility to bypass it as most players especially beginners will reload the match just to recognize that the event will fire again

- use event system for constructed szenarios/campaigns
- possibility of moving and breeding space monsters

Shipbuilder and fleet management
- one clear all button
- a sign showning if a weapon is able to pass shields
- informations about most modifikations are not sufficient
- possiblity to setup ship tatics in shipbuilder (max/min attack range)
- battle simulator to evaluate new designs against already known enemy designs
- implement boarding actions and systems

- auto-upgrading will change ship/battleconcepts
explanation: a gunboat with lasers can be turned into a rocketship or vice versa
some special systems as the rocketguiding system make not much sense when only few rockets but mostly lasers are installed
- showing civil ships upgrades is unnessessary -> do automatic upgrade/a simple text note that civil blueprints/engines - etc. are upgraded (there is no asset in displaying a obvious choice)

ship information of fleets is not sufficient
explanation: imagine you have not enough funds to upgrade older designs and no possiblity to check which ships you should prioritize upgrading
- possibility to have more deathstars

AI SpaceTravel/ MapManagement

- AI should avoid to loose civil ships and retreat if without military patrol

- implement a new and separate place for Spacegates or
implement a possibility to build an outpost AND a spacegate at the same spot
space factories
- why is it prohibited for space factories to build installations in systems without a colony
bug: check space factories-some issues have been reported showing no menu or showing a grey unreadable menu
when opening the space factory building menu

action menu is to small and not always intuitive as the mission button is too small and far away from spy list

planetary management

- management of Population is unconfortable
please implement a possibility to move more than one population point
- production system is inbalanced
money production is superior to industrial production
races with production perks are underperforming mainly because there are not enough places for workers

- CR is not balanced - some pics are to weak/strong
- puzzling with customrace is an important feature
explanation: telling/comparing customraces in single & multiplayer
- possiblity to dis/enable customrace in multiplayer
- customrace in multiplayer should be displayed with a small check
- save custom race
- display race traits of every race in the diplomacy screen as in MoO2

- disable contracts which lead to negative treasury
Invasion Screen
- show invasion modifiers
- show some animation while invasion combat

RealTime-SpaceBattles are not favoured
ab Seite 5, bitte einmal gegenchecken

Heute in der Bahn sind mir noch etliche Dinge zu den
Silicoiden und den Spionen eingefallen...
Die Mechaniken sind noch nicht wirklich ausgereift, so wie sie gerade
eingebaut worden sind. Siehe auch hier
Beiträge: 89
Registriert: 10. Mai 2015, 13:15
Wohnort: Sol III

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von marek »

Ich glaube, du hast vergessen, das eine Möglichkeit gegeben werden muss um eine Route einer Raumflotte zu löschen, wenn sie sich nicht auf einer Starlane befindet und ihren Bewegungspunkt ausgegeben hat.

Und ich finde di Schriftgröße im Allgemeinen zu klein nicht nur in den Tooltips.

Verschiedene Verhaltenmuster der KI (Defensiev, Agressiv, Technologisch orientiert ect...) fehlt auch.

Aber ansonsten super Arbeit :smile:


EDIT - Habe gerade das hier gelesen:
Spoiler für :
•Large homeworld

•Grassland homeworld

•Uber Planet: Grassland

•+25% ground combat rating

•Extended Barracks

•Engineering starting tech
Was soll das den? Ich habe die Mrrshans als Top- Kampfpiloten in Erinnerung. Jetzt sind es Bären in Katzenkostümen... gefällt mir gar nicht.
"Leben und leben lassen"

Stellaris WB-03 RP Preis Großer Musiker
Beiträge: 4144
Registriert: 5. Mai 2015, 08:50
Orden: 3
Wohnort: Budyšin

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von Zak0r »

Das ist in der Tat komisch mit dem Bodenkampf. :shock:
Beiträge: 1734
Registriert: 2. Mai 2015, 10:07
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von Teppic »

Okay - Raumflottenbewegenung. KI Verhaltensweisen
und die Sache mit der Textgröße verstehe ich in der ÜBersetzung auch
so, dass sie allgemein aber insbesondere für die Tooltips gilt. ;-)

Die Mrrschan-Changes
weichen schon arg von MoO2 ab und der Vergleich mit den Bulrathi ist nur berechtigt.
Ich meine die Kätzchen können ja ruhig mehr Bodenkampf haben, schließlich ist der Bodenkampf-Perk
total überbewertet für die wirklichen Auswirkungen im Spiel.
Solange die Kätzchen-Flotten trotzdem besser schießen können, als die der Bärchen ist mir das gleich.
Aggresive große Kätzchen halt. :twisted:

Da fällt mir eine andere Sache ein, was mal gecheckt werden müßte.
Psilons sind doch Low-G. Kriegen die auch ihre Abzüge auf Normal-G? Nicht, dass der vermeintliche
Nachteil im Moment noch ein Vorteil ist. :geek:

Ich würde mir wünschen das Spionage Abwehr und Angriff sollte schon ein ausdifferenziert werden können.
Ob das für Newbies allerdings dann so gut ist, steht auf einem anderen Blatt. Mehr ist halt nicht besser.
Beiträge: 89
Registriert: 10. Mai 2015, 13:15
Wohnort: Sol III

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von marek »

Tepic: Klar, es ist nur ein Spiel. Ich hab meine geliebten Space Kittens halt als Kampfpiloten in Erinnerung und find es schon schade, das sie massiv geändert wurden. Ich kann sie mir durch den Rassengenerator natürlich auch wieder so zurecht basteln. Aber schade ist es trotzdem. Ich denke schon, das sich die Bulrathis und die Mrsshans zu sich sehr ähneln. Nimm das bitte als Feedback auf. Keine Plan, ob es etwas bringt. Aber vielleicht, stören sich noch mehr user dran.
"Leben und leben lassen"
Beiträge: 1734
Registriert: 2. Mai 2015, 10:07
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von Teppic »

Check! Mrrschan sollte nicht eine Variante der Bulrathi sein.
ICh muss bei den Kätzchen nur an WingCommander denken und
daher macht mir ein +25% Bodenkampf nicht viel aus, komplettiert
eher das Bild, dass ich von diesen Starfightern habe! :twisted:
Beiträge: 89
Registriert: 10. Mai 2015, 13:15
Wohnort: Sol III

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von marek »

Seid Wing Commander, liebe ich diese Fellbälle auch unheimlich. Wenn es ein 4X Spiel zulässt und es keine Kittys gibt, bastel ich mir eine kleine Mod für meine eigenen Kilrathis. Deswegen müssen sie einfach einen Bonus für den Raumkampf haben. :lol:

Oder wenn ich so an die Aslan aus dem Traveller Universum denke, sollten die Mrrshans einen Bonus auf beides bekommen (Boden und Raumkampf). Muss ja nicht der größte sein. Stattdessen könnten sie auf die Baracken verzichten oder Erweiterte Barracken und kein Bonus. Einfach um zu zeigen, das alle Miezen auch krallen haben.
"Leben und leben lassen"
Beiträge: 1734
Registriert: 2. Mai 2015, 10:07
Wohnort: Köln

Re: Master of Orion: Wünsche und Feedback

Beitrag von Teppic »

Okay, habe die Anmerkungen untergebracht.
Zudem läuft ja auch eine Balance-Diskussion über CustomRace und die Silicoiden :roll:

Neu dabei
Spoiler für :
Main Menu
- starting new game/ pick a race will directly trigger the speaker to explain Alkari faction
-> might be good when playing the first time but will be annoying after several games
- speaker will not end explaining alkari faction when player switches directly to custom race - buildup menu
after entering the menu "pick a race"

customrace / perk points
- somehow messy /sometimes not sticky enough
explantion: missions duration -> rename to Spy missions duration; security -> rename to Security/ Spy defense

CR is not balanced - some pics are to weak/strong
- reevaluate prices for beam attack/ beam defense/ground attack
- price for *starting tech* static -> highly unbalanced esp. when playing tiny or gigantic galaxies
- no negative diplomacy perk available
- credits from population perks to cheap in comparison to perks from production
- Food and agriculture
Perk "No Food production" logical inconsistent:
Why would should a race not be able to employ farmers?
Perk - No Food consumption perk cost 100,
but combined with No Food from population (-40)
only 60 which would have no effect on starting empire. Compare to MoO2 CR - the perks in Food production were blocked when using no food consumption/lithovore
- Gravity tolerance:
No negative gravity perk available
Explanation: In MoO2 Psilons came from a Low-G world and had problems adapting to Normal-G but could compensate via technology

Psilon- faction build up
reevaluate "positive" gravity perk which might make psilons to strong

Mrrschan-Faction Build up
- to many similarities with Bulrathi faction
- lost perk on Beam Attack which was a distinct perk in MoO2 and MoO1

Silicoid-Faction Build up
- many logical inconsistencies
why boost growth rate with organic food buildings as silicoids do not feed on organics
pollution: how to degrade a vulcanic biome even further
- why would a race care for technological advance and improvements on farming and pollution cleanUp if they are not affected by them

-fleet movement
possibility to cancel a flypath After a fleet has used up all movement points
Komplette Liste mit *alter* Sortierung
Spoiler für :
- possiblity to increase text size - text is far to often far to small
not only for regular texts but for tooltips - type size 6 is not convenient
- bugreport: check weapon mauler device damage output, reports of "healing" capabilities instead of damaging enemy ships

check random events
- an earthquake event in turn 60 killed 50% of homeworld population, palace building and 90% of command points which resulted in a deficit treasury - if such a hefty event is intended implement a possibility to bypass it as most players especially beginners will reload the match just to recognize that the event will fire again

- use event system for constructed szenarios/campaigns
- possibility of moving and breeding space monsters

Shipbuilder and fleet management
- one "clear all" button
- a sign showning if a weapon is able to pass shields
- informations about most modifikations are not sufficient
- possiblity to setup ship tatics in shipbuilder (max/min attack range)
- battle simulator to evaluate new designs against already known enemy designs
- implement boarding actions and systems

- auto-upgrading will change ship/battleconcepts
explanation: a gunboat with lasers can be turned into a rocketship or vice versa
some special systems as the rocketguiding system make not much sense when only few rockets but mostly lasers are installed
- showing civil ships upgrades is unnessessary -> do automatic upgrade/a simple text note that civil blueprints/engines - etc. are upgraded (there is no asset in displaying a obvious choice)

ship information of fleets is not sufficient
explanation: imagine you have not enough funds to upgrade older designs and no possiblity to check which ships you should prioritize upgrading
- possibility to have more deathstars

AI SpaceTravel/ MapManagement

- AI should avoid to loose civil ships and retreat if without military patrol

-fleet movement
possibility to cancel a flypath After a fleet has used up all movement points

- implement a new and separate place for Spacegates or
implement a possibility to build an outpost AND a spacegate at the same spot
space factories
- why is it prohibited for space factories to build installations in systems without a colony
bug: check space factories-some issues have been reported showing no menu or showing a grey unreadable menu
when opening the space factory building menu

action menu is to small and not always intuitive as the mission button is too small and far away from spy list

planetary management

- management of Population is unconfortable
please implement a possibility to move more than one population point
- production system is inbalanced
money production is superior to industrial production
races with production perks are underperforming mainly because there are not enough places for workers
Main Menu
- starting new game/ pick a race will directly trigger the speaker to explain Alkari faction
-> might be good when playing the first time but will be annoying after several games
- speaker will not end explaining alkari faction when player switches directly to custom race - buildup menu
after entering the menu "pick a race"

customrace / perk points
- somehow messy /sometimes not sticky enough
explantion: missions duration -> rename to Spy missions duration; security -> rename to Security/ Spy defense

CR is not balanced - some pics are to weak/strong
- reevaluate prices for beam attack/ beam defense/ground attack
- price for *starting tech* static -> highly unbalanced esp. when playing tiny or gigantic galaxies
- no negative diplomacy perk available
- credits from population perks to cheap in comparison to perks from production
- Food and agriculture
Perk "No Food production" logical inconsistent:
Why would should a race not be able to employ farmers?
Perk - No Food consumption perk cost 100,
but combined with No Food from population (-40)
only 60 which would have no effect on starting empire. Compare to MoO2 CR - the perks in Food production were blocked when using no food consumption/lithovore
- Gravity tolerance:
No negative gravity perk available
Explanation: In MoO2 Psilons came from a Low-G world and had problems adapting to Normal-G but could compensate via technology

Psilon- faction build up
reevaluate "positive" gravity perk which might make psilons to strong

Mrrschan-Faction Build up
- to many similarities with Bulrathi faction
- lost perk on Beam Attack which was a distinct perk in MoO2 and MoO1

Silicoid-Faction Build up
- many logical inconsistencies
why boost growth rate with organic food buildings as silicoids do not feed on organics
pollution: how to degrade a vulcanic biome even further
- why would a race care for technological advance and improvements on farming and pollution cleanUp if they are not affected by them

- puzzling with customrace is an important feature
explanation: telling/comparing customraces in single & multiplayer
- possiblity to dis/enable customrace in multiplayer
- customrace in multiplayer should be displayed with a small check
- possiblity to save custom race
- display race traits of every race in the diplomacy screen as in MoO2

- disable / not allow / warn player of contracts which lead to negative treasury

Implement several leader names and tactics of leaders -> add more replayability
Display information on Leader of enemy faction
-> such as main strategy focus (research, colonization, etc.)
Display information on fleet tactics of other factions
-> such as: faction "*" is known for its superior speed/laser weapons/rocket ships etc.

Invasion Screen
- show invasion modifiers
- show some animation while invasion combat

RealTime-SpaceBattles are not favoured by community

Komplette Liste mit Sortierung
Spoiler für :
- possiblity to increase text size - text is far to often far to small
not only for regular texts but for tooltips - type size 6 is not convenient
- bugreport: check weapon mauler device damage output, reports of "healing" capabilities instead of damaging enemy ships

check random events
- an earthquake event in turn 60 killed 50% of homeworld population, palace building and 90% of command points which resulted in a deficit treasury - if such a hefty event is intended implement a possibility to bypass it as most players especially beginners will reload the match just to recognize that the event will fire again

- use event system for constructed szenarios/campaigns
- possibility of moving and breeding space monsters
Main Menu
- starting new game/ pick a race will directly trigger the speaker to explain Alkari faction
-> might be good when playing the first time but will be annoying after several games
- speaker will not end explaining alkari faction when player switches directly to custom race - buildup menu
after entering the menu "pick a race"

customrace / perk points
- somehow messy /sometimes not sticky enough
explantion: missions duration -> rename to Spy missions duration; security -> rename to Security/ Spy defense

CR is not balanced - some pics are to weak/strong
- reevaluate prices for beam attack/ beam defense/ground attack
- price for *starting tech* static -> highly unbalanced esp. when playing tiny or gigantic galaxies
- no negative diplomacy perk available
- credits from population perks to cheap in comparison to perks from production
- Food and agriculture
Perk "No Food production" logical inconsistent:
Why would should a race not be able to employ farmers?
Perk - No Food consumption perk cost 100,
but combined with No Food from population (-40)
only 60 which would have no effect on starting empire. Compare to MoO2 CR - the perks in Food production were blocked when using no food consumption/lithovore
- Gravity tolerance:
No negative gravity perk available
Explanation: In MoO2 Psilons came from a Low-G world and had problems adapting to Normal-G but could compensate via technology

Psilon- faction build up
reevaluate "positive" gravity perk which might make psilons to strong

Mrrschan-Faction Build up
- to many similarities with Bulrathi faction
- lost perk on Beam Attack which was a distinct perk in MoO2 and MoO1

Silicoid-Faction Build up
- many logical inconsistencies
why boost growth rate with organic food buildings as silicoids do not feed on organics
pollution: how to degrade a vulcanic biome even further
- why would a race care for technological advance and improvements on farming and pollution cleanUp if they are not affected by them

- puzzling with customrace is an important feature
explanation: telling/comparing customraces in single & multiplayer
- possiblity to dis/enable customrace in multiplayer
- customrace in multiplayer should be displayed with a small check
- possiblity to save custom race
- display race traits of every race in the diplomacy screen as in MoO2
Implement several leader names and tactics of leaders -> add more replayability
Display information on Leader of enemy faction
-> such as main strategy focus (research, colonization, etc.)
Display information on fleet tactics of other factions
-> such as: faction "*" is known for its superior speed/laser weapons/rocket ships etc.

- disable / not allow / warn player of contracts which lead to negative treasury

Shipbuilder and fleet management
- one "clear all" button
- a sign showning if a weapon is able to pass shields
- informations about most modifikations are not sufficient
- possiblity to setup ship tatics in shipbuilder (max/min attack range)
- battle simulator to evaluate new designs against already known enemy designs
- implement boarding actions and systems

- auto-upgrading will change ship/battleconcepts
explanation: a gunboat with lasers can be turned into a rocketship or vice versa
some special systems as the rocketguiding system make not much sense when only few rockets but mostly lasers are installed
- showing civil ships upgrades is unnessessary -> do automatic upgrade/a simple text note that civil blueprints/engines - etc. are upgraded (there is no asset in displaying a obvious choice)

ship information of fleets is not sufficient
explanation: imagine you have not enough funds to upgrade older designs and no possiblity to check which ships you should prioritize upgrading
- possibility to have more deathstars

AI SpaceTravel/ MapManagement

- AI should avoid to loose civil ships and retreat if without military patrol

-fleet movement
possibility to cancel a flypath After a fleet has used up all movement points

- implement a new and separate place for Spacegates or
implement a possibility to build an outpost AND a spacegate at the same spot
space factories
- why is it prohibited for space factories to build installations in systems without a colony
bug: check space factories-some issues have been reported showing no menu or showing a grey unreadable menu
when opening the space factory building menu
action menu is to small and not always intuitive as the mission button is too small and far away from spy list
planetary management

- management of Population is unconfortable
please implement a possibility to move more than one population point
- production system is inbalanced
money production is superior to industrial production
races with production perks are underperforming mainly because there are not enough places for workers

Invasion Screen
- show invasion modifiers
- show some animation while invasion combat
RealTime-SpaceBattles are not favoured by community